Thursday 15 May 2014

Finished Animation

This is my finished animation, to add the audio to it i used the application called Garage Band. I started by opening up a new project. I then dragged my edited animation into Garage Band, which created a timeline for me to work on. I then dragged in the audio that i wanted and cut the parts out that i never wanted and placed it in the order that I wanted it in. I got my audio from youtube and used the mp3 converter to convert it into a music file to save in my documents. Overall, iI'm not particularly happy with the way that my finished animation turned out as i think it is not good quality and doesn't show a professional level. If i were to do this again i would change my whole idea to something that is much better, the reason i went with the flappy bird idea is because it was a last minute idea and looked quite easy to do. I will make sure next time that i go with an idea that is more challenging and can show more skills in the making of it. I probably wouldn't go with the cut out animation, i would like to design it in clay.  

Thursday 8 May 2014

Edited Animation

This is what my animation looks like after I edited my title and credits in. I used the application called iMovie, i started by opening up a new project, i then imported the original movie that i created using iStopMotion. I then clicked on the text sign and choose which title sequence i would like and what credit sequence i would like. After i added these i then exported it so that i was ready to add my audio to it.

Filmed Animation

This is what my animation looks like after i had finished filming it. To create this I used an application called iStopMovie, to do this every time i moved the bird i then took a sequence of photos to build up to the whole movie.