Thursday 12 June 2014

Padlet Reviews

As part of this assignment, to get feedback on my finished animation I uploaded it to a site called 'Padlet'. This allows people to view my animation and leave feedback on it. The feedback can tell me what i could of done to make it better for the next time.


As part of my assignment, I uploaded my final stop motion animation to a site called ‘’ this was so that I could gather feedback and criticism from my peers about my stop motion animation. This then told me what I needed to change to improve the final animation for if I ever come across doing it all again. I was hoping for around 6 or 7 responses in total but only ended up with 4 responses in total. However, the responses that I did get gave me enough information to help me respond to their criticism, I also understand where I went wrong in the process of making the stop motion animation and what I need to do to improve it next time round.


Jessica Robinson

‘I thought it was a good and fun idea’
The feedback that I got off Jessica isn’t quite detailed; she hasn’t specified any parts of the animation that she thought was good, so I can’t really evaluate on this feedback.

Matthew Cooper

‘I like the idea of flappy bird. I think that the animation doesn’t really look that realistic, this is because the bird stays straight throughout and doesn’t really move on its axis. Finally I think that the animation is too short and could have been better if it was longer but over all I like the idea of it.’
The feedback that I received off Matthew informed me that the animation doesn’t look very realistic, I can absolutely agree with Matthew on this, as it doesn’t look realistic because the bird doesn’t move about,  it stays straight and just moves up and down throughout. If I am to do this all again, I would improve on this part by moving the bird about on its axis more, so that it gives off this realistic look. The next part that Matthew said was that my animation was too short and would have been better if it was longer. I do agree, my animation needs to be longer, I didn’t realise how short the actual animation was until after I edited it and exported it to an mp4 file. Next time I will make sure it is longer by adding carry on the scene for a little longer. Overall, I am happy that Matthew liked the idea of the topic that I chose to create my animation on.

Laura Hartley

‘Good animation, you can tell it took a lot of time the background was really good looked exactly like flappy bird, well done.’
The feedback that I received off Laura wasn’t anything negative about the animation, so I can’t really evaluate on what I can improve on if I were to do it again next time. But I can say that I’m happy with the feedback I got as she mentioned that it looked exactly like flappy bird which this was what I was hoping it would turn out like. Also, she mentioned about the background and how she could tell it took a lot of time,  this was good because the detail of the background shows, I’m happy with this because the background itself took around 3 to 4 lessons to create.

Jacob Heaton

‘Very good work and the background is greatly detailed but the audio seems a little out of sync. Overall good work well done.’
The feedback that I received off Jacob informed me that the animations background looked greatly detailed, I’m happy that people have noticed the background was detailed and that there hasn’t been any negativity about it. Also, Jacob mentioned about the audio being out sync on the animation, I can agree with Jacob on this, I didn’t realise the audio was out of sync on the animation until I listened back to it after I received this feedback. If I were to do this again I would make sure that before I export it from Garage Band, to make sure that the audio isn’t out of sync against the video clip, this means spending more time during the editing process and not so much as rushing it like I did on this one. Overall, I’m happy with the feedback that I have got of Jacob.